When I was started working in different companies abroad always my expertise was behind at me might be because those jobs were out of my line. I mean to say the works were not suited in my line of education. But some says it was my lucky because I always cope up my work as company satisfaction. Like other says: life will go on. Here are some of my point of views about online business might be additional information and help for us.
GOAL – Sorry, I don't have time to go out and no internet, no money and busy, end-less reasons. But even those people saying that having own goal. Yes that's right goal is for every people but sometimes that goal doesn't materialize why because no more try, no determination, no action to make and no got’. That's why business (VMobile) is offering a tremendous system and effort how individual can realize importance of goal. Ask yourself – what is goal? From there you can act accordingly
FOCUS – This word I first used in my follow-up email to my team, since then I realize can be used as our instrument to go on. As I said above goal is the first then to that goal you need is to focus on that goal. It sounds familiar right? Yes, not only me using this but might be everybody. Even in the word or God say: focus unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. What I mean is we must focus in our goal if you want to get the good end result.
HINDRANCES – This life is full of struggle in all aspect of our life. But if you know the possible barriers in your way meaning you are aware of any kinds of obstacle you will consider hindrances are normal part of life. Don’t these things be the wall in your way just focus the goal. Like in this kind of business journey a lot of hard work and lots of hindrances to be expected but again I said treat hindrances are part of this business and we must overcome it.
OVER-COMER – If you overcome anything in your life whether it is small or big, whether it is problem or failure smile in your face will be shining. That’s right being over-comer in what discussed above the end result is yours. But if you failed and you stop there one thing for sure success is too far to achieve. Meaning being over-comer you must have determination to continue what ever happened in the way..
FULFILLMENT – Since we are little boy/girl fulfillment will be good achievement. But in business without failure you can not consider a great fulfillment. What do I mean? We must have a goal, then in that goal we must focus on it. Expect some hindrances on the way then you must face and be an over-comer to a result of fulfillment, because you exert effort, hard work and time to fulfill certain goal. If you want a good opportunity in your future invest your little time to VMobile vision and purpose.
Contact me: Marlo H. Evangelista
email: marloeva@gmail.com
Mobile: 00966 502751693 (Saudi Arabia)
Mobile: 0063 9286562575 (Philippines)
LX ID #: 5344408569 (use this as your sponsor)
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